Project-based Learning Professional Development
Creative Educator can help you bring PBL to your school.
How you can use PBL to help students question, think, and work together to apply learning.
Move from projects to Project-based Learning by focusing on ideas, work, and effort!
Specific strategies and examples for using the Make It Matter model (ideas, work, effort) to move projects closer to project-based learning.
Focus on "why" and "where" to move from projects to PBL
Build future-ready skills across content areas with these five design purposes
Students making things is better than being passive, but making good things is better still!
How to lead students from prompting questions to deep thinking and taking action.
A guide to incorporating collaboration, real-world problems, community connections, and self-directed learning.
Evaluates content knowledge AND skills like creativity, collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation.
Inform learning and practice to support progress and ensure success
Four ideas for building self-evaluation into the learning process
Working collaboratively prepares students for their future, and builds essential 21st century skills.
Set the foundation for a classroom culture that supports effective teamwork
Ideas to help learners with a range of skills and styles utilize the strengths of a team to reach their goals.
Using big ideas to develop essential questions that guide project design and driving questions that guide student work.
High quality student inquiry is essential to successful project-based learning
The learning taking place during project work is more important than the finished product.
How to support remote learners throughout the process of Project-Based Learning.
Benefits and challenges of implementing PBL from high-school through primary
PBL encourages preschool learners to create to express ideas and experiment to make sense of their world in a way that is deeply connected to each other and the community.
How connecting SEL and PBL ensures success for both
Formats and questions for successful collaborative project work
Six ideas to both engage students at the start of project work and firmly establish a culture of risk-taking and inquiry.
Transform project presentations into presentations of learning with feedback and reflection.
Authentic work requires a real world audience
Project-based learning motivates students by asking them to work toward an outcome that matters to them.
Raise expectations and standards in our classrooms by granting more responsibility to the learner.
If we believe our students have potential beyond measure, we must ask them to produce work for authentic audiences.
Physical Education performances and playing the whole game
A project-based approach to learning helps you meet both the goals of and skills in the ISTE Standards for Students.
How project-based learning provides an authentic context for applying the ISTE Standards for Students
Four questions to answer when you are beginning a project with students.
Make learning relevant and purposeful by grounding student work in your local community
Give students experiences that will help the transition to project-based learning.
Real students, real community service
Academic disciplines have a lot in common, we should interconnect them.
The richest learning experiences and demonstrations of mastery emerge from situations with maximum flexibility.
Challenge students to achieve high quality so the value of student projects is obvious.
Use a project-based approach to learning to provide opportunities for students to act as digital citizens
How STEM and PBL go hand in hand.
An approach to staff development that improves teaching and learning by modeling effective strategies.
Rubrics describe what high performance looks like and help establish responsibility for it.
Effective habits to foster student performance throughout the project process.
Reflection and refinement is essential to the successful implementation of project-based learning.
Special needs students can flourish in project-based learning environment.
Before students can create a successful project you have to create a good design or plan for that project.
Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.
Rubric Maker
Create custom rubrics for your classroom.
A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.
Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.
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