Wixie Certified Educator Program - Lesson Plans

Creative Educator lesson plans can help you provide students with an engaging and creative approach to content learning.

To earn a Wixie Certified Educator badge, you will need to use Wixie to create a student product outlined in one of these lessons.

You will also need to develop an original Wixie lesson at Webb's Depth of Knowledge Level 2 or higher. A glance through the entire list will give you inspiration before you write your own.


Language Arts


It's ABC, As Easy As 1-2-3!

Students explore initial sounds through the creation of a classroom ABC book.


Amazing Animal Alliterations

Students will learn to create illustrations that support and reflect their writing.

image of student storybook

Adapt a Story

Students practice narrative writing as they work together to write, illustrate, and narrate a new version of a story.

image of a coat of arms

Character Coat of Arms

In this lesson, students create a coat of arms to represent their personal identity and values.

Character Scrapbook

Character Scrapbook

Students will create a digital scrapbook that showcases the viewpoint of the main character.

image of an interview microphone

Interview a Book Character

In this lesson, students craft an interview with a character from a book they are reading to demonstrate comprehension.

Modernize a Fairy Tale

Modernize a Fairy Tale

Students learn about key elements of a fairy tale as they retell a fairy tale in modern times.

image of tortoise and hare

Fabulous Fables

In this lesson, students learn about characters, plot, and setting, as well as the parts of a story as they retell, or adapt, a fable.


Writing How To's

Students will write how-to stories about getting ready for school and publish them to use at home.

image of ABCs

The ABC’s of …

In this lesson, students create an alphabet book to share knowledge and information they have learned, organizing their writing using the ABC’s.

pet dog with toy

Persuade for a Pet

Students write a persuasive letter to convince their parents or teacher to get a new pet.

Create a Visual Poem

Create a Visual Poem

Students will create a visual, or video, poem as they analyze the imagery in a text.

Don’t Let the Earth Down

Don’t Let the Earth Down

Students will write persuasively on a conservation issue and create a public service announcement to promote their cause.

Book trailers

Book Trailers

Students will develop a movie-style trailer for a book they have read.

Persuasive and Presidential Writing

Persuasive and Presidential Writing

Students learn persuasive writing and presentation skills.


picture of napkin on table

Plan an Event

Students will plan for an event and create a proposal demonstrating how the event might look and how much it would cost.

Dream Room Design

Dream Room Design

Students will explore length, width, perimeter, and surface area as they design their dream room.

The Shape of Things

The Shape of Things

Students compose images from shapes, describe their composition, and create their own version of the book, The Shape of Things.

Exploring Line Symmetry

Exploring Line Symmetry

Students will create original artwork and manipulate images to demonstrate understanding of line symmetry.

image of student in front of chalkboard bar graph

Simple Surveys and Great Graphs

Students create and complete surveys, graph the data and share the results with an audience outside the classroom.

Now That's a Problem

Now That's a Problem

Students will create their own multiplication word problems.


New creature image

Create a Creature

Students apply what they have learned about animal characteristics and adaptation to create a new creature and introduce it to the scientific community.

image of dog working on a laptop

Animal Diaries

In this lesson, students write and design a diary for an animal to teach others about its unique physical characteristics and adaptations.

image of tortoise and hare

Cycle Stories

In this lesson, students tell the story of a scientific cycle by recreating the adventure of its "main character".

image of two polar bears

Design a Polar Park

Students design enclosures for animals that live in the Arctic or Antarctic regions, to reflect what they have learned about animal habitats and characteristics.

upcycle icon around the earth

Animal Interviews

Students research the characteristics, adaptations, and habitat of an animal and share their findings in a question and answer session with the animal.

Animal riddle

Animal Riddles

Students will research an animal and create a riddle to showcase their knowledge and engage other students in the natural world.

Soil – Diary of a Worm Comic

Soil - Diary of a Worm

Students create a media campaign to educate about the layers, components, inhabitants, and benefits of soil.

image of gardening shed

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Students design a functional and beautiful garden for a particular audience, developing a scale model, determining costs and materials, and creating a guide explaining how to care for the garden.

Here’s to Your Health

Here's to Your Health

Students will research a health issue, write an essay, and transform their argument into a public service announcement.

Fastballs, Free Throws and Physics

Fastballs, Free Throws and Physics

Students will create an animated video that showcases how physics concepts apply to their favorite sport.



Students will create an infographic poster to share knowledge and data about an issue they are studying.

Visit Our Solar System

Visit Our Solar System

Students will learn about the planets as they create a sample travel journal that explains what it would be like to visit one of the planets.

Social Studies

Map with pins and a magnifying glass.

Virtual Museum

In this lesson, students create an online museum for their community.

image of suitcase with travel stickers

Historical Travel Brochure

In this lesson, students share their knowledge about a time and place in history by creating a promotional travel brochure that provides information and an itinerary for a visit.

Artifact Interviews

Artifact Interviews

Students will research a historical person or event and retell the story as an animated interview with an artifact from that time or place.

Everyday Heroes

Everyday Heroes

Create media resources that celebrate and promote the actions of a real world hero.

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Students will create a daily newspaper edition to learn about the politics and culture of ancient Rome.

Historical Journal

Historical Journal

Students will create a historical journal from a fictional character's point of view.

Not Your Average Portfolio

Not Your Average Portfolio

Students will learn about the life of a famous person and create non-fiction porfolio about the individual.

image of travel postcards with come visit text

Tourism Trade Show

In this lesson, students develop materials to promote a specific region they are studying and make their pitch for a visit to this location at a tourism trade show.

Image of internet safety word cloud

Internet Safety Campaign

In this lesson, students create materials promoting Internet, or online, safety to raise awareness of this important issue at their school.

More sites to help you find success in your classroom


Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.

Rubric Maker

Create custom rubrics for your classroom.


A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.


Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.

Creative Educator

Professional Learning

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Digital Storytelling

21st Century Classrooms

Project-based Learning

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Informational Text

English Language Aquisition



Language Arts



Social Studies

Visual Arts

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