Integrating Technology in Third Grade

Creative Educator lesson plans can help you provide your first-grade students with an engaging and creative approach to content learning.

Students in 3rd grade can really use their skills in reading, writing, and math to engage in the curriculum. You can use these creative ideas to help them have fun practicing and applying these essential skills.

Depending on your student's abilities, you may also want to explore second-grade and fourth-grade lesson plans.


Writing How To's

Students will write how-to stories about getting ready for school and publish them to use at home.

Modernize a Fairy Tale

Modernize a Fairy Tale

Students learn about key elements of a fairy tale as they retell a fairy tale in modern times.

image of student storybook

Adapt a Story

Students practice narrative writing as they work together to write, illustrate, and narrate a new version of a story.

Personification Stories

Personification Stories

Students will personify an object and write a story as part of an online book or animated adventure.

image of a coat of arms

Character Coat of Arms

In this lesson, students create a coat of arms to represent their personal identity and values.

image of cherry blossoms

Harmonious Haiku

After reading examples and learning about this short form of Japanese poetry, students write and illustrate their own haiku poems.

Korean Silk image from Joseon Dynasty

Spectacular Sijo

In this lesson, students read and learn about the Korean form of sijo poetry and then write and illustrate their own sijo poems.

image of front of vocubulary trading card for the word verdant

Vocabulary Trading Cards

In this lesson, students create vocabulary trading cards that use images to help other students master the meaning of new words.

image of ABCs

The ABC’s of …

In this lesson, students create an alphabet book to share knowledge and information they have learned, organizing their writing using the ABC’s.

My Superhero

My Superhero

Students introduce a new hero to the world through an ID card and comic.

image of spooky skull and poison bottle

Halloween Safety PSAs Lesson Plan

Students design public service announcements to promote safety at Halloween.

Now That's a Problem

Now That's a Problem

Students will create their own multiplication word problems.

Spring into Fractions

Spring Into Fractions

Students write and illustrate a spring-inspired short story including fractions they find in nature or their local community.

Dream Room Design

Dream Room Design

Students will explore length, width, perimeter, and surface area as they design their dream room.

New creature image

Create a Creature

Students apply what they have learned about animal characteristics and adaptation to create a new creature and introduce it to the scientific community.

upcycle icon around the earth

Animal Interviews

Students research the characteristics, adaptations, and habitat of an animal and share their findings in a question and answer session with the animal.

Magical Metamorphosis � Butterfly Life Cycle Stories

Magical Metamorphosis

Students explore the life cycle of a butterfly as they write and illustrate stories that show the stages of a butterfly’s metamorphosis.

image of dog working on a laptop

Animal Diaries

In this lesson, students write and design a diary for an animal to teach others about its unique physical characteristics and adaptations.

Animal riddle

Animal Riddles

Students will research an animal and create a riddle to showcase their knowledge and engage other students in the natural world.

Severe Weather Safety PSA

Severe Weather Safety PSA

Students create public service announcements to inform others and help them stay safe during severe weather events.

Image of a snowflake crystal

Diary of a Snowflake

In this lesson, students create a 6-sided snowflake and write diary entries about its life.

cutout image of student field guide page

Fantastic Field Guides

In this lesson, students explore the plant and animal species where they live and design their own field guide to teach others about the species in this habitat.

Design a Rainforest Postcard

Design a Rainforest Postcard

Students develop a clear understanding of rainforest regions globally through research and the creation of postcards.

image of clear snow globe in front of alpine habitat

Habitat Snow Globes

In this lesson, students design a snow globe highlighting a specific habitat, showing the plants, animals, and organisms found there.

upcycle icon around the earth


Students design and create upcycled products using materials collected at home and school.

Suitcase Stories

Suitcase Stories

In this lesson, students create suitcase stories to describe an ancestor’s journey to America and important objects they might have packed.

image of suitcase with travel stickers

Historical Travel Brochure

In this lesson, students share their knowledge about a time and place in history by creating a promotional travel brochure that provides information and an itinerary for a visit.

Map with pins and a magnifying glass.

Virtual Museum

In this lesson, students create an online museum for their community.

Map It!

Map It!

Students will demonstrate map making skills as they create maps of the geographic features, regions, and economy of their state.

picture of ridiculous rules from Hogwarts

School Rules!

In this lesson, students work together to determine and propose a new school rule.

The White House Cabinet room

The President's Team

In this lesson, students nominate literary characters for each seat in the President's cabinet.

image close up of a pop art montage with shoes

Pop Art Montage

In this lesson, students explore the work of Andy Warhol and create their own pop art montage.

image close up of a Hieronymous Bosch painting

Surreal Symmetry

In this lesson, students use symmetry to create bizarre creatures around a self-portrait and then write a poem about the image.

image of cat on tree in front of full moon

Spooky Silhouettes

In this lesson, students learn about silhouettes and combine silhouettes they have created with Halloween backgrounds to create spooky scenes.

image of a student essay

Me: A Visual Essay

Students build media literacy skills as they create a visual essay to share information about themselves.

More sites to help you find success in your classroom


Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.

Rubric Maker

Create custom rubrics for your classroom.


A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.


Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.

Creative Educator

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