STEM and STEAM Lessons

Dream Room Design

Dream Room Design

Students will explore length, width, perimeter, and surface area as they design their dream room.

Don’t Let the Earth Down

Don’t Let the Earth Down

Students will write persuasively on a conservation issue and create a public service announcement to promote their cause.

image of dog working on a laptop

Animal Diaries

In this lesson, students write and design a diary for an animal to teach others about its unique physical characteristics and adaptations.

picture of person holding breaded chicken sandwich

Healthier School Lunches

Students will learn about nutrition and create a sample menu for a week of healthy school lunches.

image of two polar bears

Design a Polar Park

Students design enclosures for animals that live in the Arctic or Antarctic regions, to reflect what they have learned about animal habitats and characteristics.

image of gardening shed

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Students design a functional and beautiful garden for a particular audience, developing a scale model, determining costs and materials, and creating a guide explaining how to care for the garden.

upcycle icon around the earth

Animal Interviews

Students research the characteristics, adaptations, and habitat of an animal and share their findings in a question and answer session with the animal.

picture of napkin on table

Plan an Event

Students will plan for an event and create a proposal demonstrating how the event might look and how much it would cost.

New creature image

Create a Creature

Students apply what they have learned about animal characteristics and adaptation to create a new creature and introduce it to the scientific community.

Here’s to Your Health

Here's to Your Health

Students will research a health issue, write an essay, and transform their argument into a public service announcement.

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Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.

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